Juicing Oranges With Best Citrus Juicer

 Orange juice is a wonder drink full of nutrition and antioxidants. It has become the latest health fads with thousands of people drinking the juice every day.

The discovery of health benefits of orange is nothing new as for thousands of years the Chinese having been using it in their medicines. It offers several health advantages to those drink the juice of oranges daily. It is not at all surprising that orange juice has become a daily habit as those who consume experience increased energy levels and better immunity. Only recently has juicing taken off in a really big way. It has been touted as the cure from cancer to obesity.

Though we are not out to prove or disprove any of these claims we instantly know that juices pack nutrients, antioxidants, minerals and enzymes which are generally beneficial to our health. It doesn't hurt to drink juice.

While cold press machines are just another type of juicing machine that uses brute power of its motor to first crush and then press fruits and vegetables fed to it to extract liquid. Have you wondered why some machines are called cold press juicing machines? What does it mean?

Does it make any significant difference to your juicing? These are some questions that swirl in your mind as you decide to take the plunge in to the world of juicing.

There are literally hundreds of choices in juicing appliances and on top is the confusing terms like fast, centrifugal, masticating, slow, twin-gear, single-auger and cold press. If you desire a juicing machine of large capacity that can process loads of fresh fruits and vegetables in the shortest amount of time the fast centrifugal juicing machine is perfect for this type of requirement.

A fast juicing machine extracts maximum amount of juice from hard vegetables and fruits as well as citrus fruits. It looks good on the kitchen counter with its superb looks and sleek design.

The safety features and two-speed juicing are the other reasons for the popularity of the juicing machine. The large pulp bin helps in juicing for longer time without stopping. The juicing machine is also easy to operate with an unique reverse function which helps in easy cleaning and un-clogging of machine.

Powerful motor and 7-spiral auger design helps the Amzchef slow juicing machine to juice efficiently and effectively. It rotates at a very slow speed of 80 rpm so neither heat nor oxidation are major problems. Heating and oxidations destroy nutrients in the juice.

Pecorino Cheese

 The term Pecorino designates each of the six Italian cheeses (Romano, Toscano, Sardo, Filiano, Crotonese, and Siciliano) that are so designated as being produced entirely from sheep's milk. Note that the names correspond with Italian regions or provinces. Also note that American cheeses that are also called Pecorino derive from Cow's milk because the American dairy system and American tastes are built about cow milk.

As a member of the European Union, Italy acquired legal protection of the process for making the Pecorino cheeses. Pecorino Romano, for example, a cheese developed as a key component of the diet of Roman soldiers, is still hand salted as it ages, just as it was during the time of the Roman Empire. There are variants of these cheeses, mostly due to village traditions of adding some kind of nut, truffles, or honey to the cheese. Some additives cross boldly into the "What are you thinking?" category, such as the variant called Casu Marzu, in which larvae of a fly (the cheese fly) are embedded into the cheese to cause the cheese to ferment. Casu Marzu literally means "rotten cheese."

Americans are more familiar with Pecorino Romano. Usually it is labeled as grated Romano Cheese. One sprinkles it onto Italian dishes the same way that Parmesan Cheese is applied. Romano is saltier and sharper, and more so of both the longer that the cheese wheel is aged. Apparently, the Roman soldiers appreciated those qualities that aging produced.

I found three references to cheese or curds (curdled goat milk) in the Christian Bible. Butter is mentioned more often, but cheese does not appear to have been a mainstream food in the Hebrew or the Arab diets. As mentioned, the Romans made and provided cheese to their soldiers' food rations. Roman government and soldiers were common in Judaea during the time of Jesus' ministry. So, the Hebrews knew of it as a provision that came with and supported their conqueror. However, a verse in the Old Testament of the Bible reveals a different conclusion about cheese.

Web search 1 Samuel 17:8. The Book of Samuel was authored by Samuel, the Hebrew Prophet who lived between 1070 and 1012 BC (the number of years before the birth of Jesus, the Christ). Samuel's time was during the first dynasty of Hebrew Kings (Saul) and more than 500 years before the Romans had an empire. The Hebrew people had occupied the land of Canaan that God had promised to them, settling the land to keep and herd livestock, mostly goats, and to farm. Perhaps cheese, a goat's milk byproduct, was accepted and used by them.